Tuesday, March 31, 2020

teju- upma

Today morning's breakfast was uppit/upma. And even momma is not a big fan of it.
Teju, after struggling to eat upma found that we have rice for lunch. She then came and told me "mama why are you giving us rice 2 times?" I said no, morning was upma. She said I thought upma is also made of rice 😄 I totally understand her thoughts .

Teju becoming a doctor.

One night I was feeling giddy. Teju said "Mamma don't turn around quick, instead turn slowly so that you don't feel giddy."
Me "Teju, how come you understand so much? You should become a doctor."
Teju "No, during corona all doctors are dying. Instead I want to become an engineer so that I'm safe ".

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